A brief insight into the adventure that is my life.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Obrigado (Thank You)

I appreciate everyone's comments on the previous post. I talked some more today with some of my friends about the favelas and I asked them what I could do while I was here to help. They weren't really sure. I think Bob was correct when he said in his comment that the problems third world countries face are very complex. I could never hope to solve all of the problems in Brazil in ten years, let alone two months. But as Bob suggested, I can simply do my best to make what little difference I can. Just because I probably won't make a gigantic dent in solving the problems that Brazil faces doesn't mean I can't help at least a few people. I still don't have a tangible plan of what I will do, but I am determined not to ignore the problem. I'm glad I've posted about this because it kind of keeps me accountable--hopefully now I won't go two months without doing anything. Like I said, I'm still not sure exactly what my plan is, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Blogger Chadventure said...

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1:05 AM

Blogger Chadventure said...

how was the gay pride parade today that I read about on BBC? I'm telling you: move to the country and be Christ. I'm not joking. I'm thinking about doing that in Kazakhstan after I graduate. I don't think God WOULDN'T want us to do such a thing. Obviously, I'm going to do whatever God wants me to, not what I think is best, but I just love even the thought of it. He's brought me to a place where, for the first time in my life, I'm not committing the same sin as the rich young ruler.

1:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's happy Monday here! I have lots to do. Hope things are going well for you at the moment.
Spent the day and evening with your Mom yesterday. Had a great time. Take care.

9:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris. I think sometimes it's the small things that you can do that make a difference. I am glad you are opening your eyes to the problems and the poverty that surrounds you, instead of just ignoring it. I also liked Chad's suggestion, about moving there if you feel called someday. Even more important, though, you are there now, so just be present and be open to ways that you can help.

Remember that surfer teacher that mom was telling us about, from her trip to Japan, the one who spent his free time going to homeless shelters in Japan and feeding the homeless? You can be like that surfer-teacher, and do similar sorts of things with your own free time down there.

We miss you here, but I am so glad that you've had this eye opening opportunity.

Love you, brother!

Your sis, Beth

11:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris - Our sermon yesterday was on not knowing how far the little things you do can go. We read about Jesus feeding the 5,000. When that little boy's mother packed his lunch that day, she had no idea that it would be used for an incredible miracle. Follow what you know God is calling you to do, and don't get discouraged if it doesn't seem to be big. Our Lord will make it as big as it needs to be for His glory.

I am so glad to be able to keep up with you. Please know that we are praying for opportunities for you to share your faith. Hugs! Love, Ashley Harris

2:15 PM

Blogger chrisTopher b. said...

Thanks everyone for your comments! I really appreciate the insight and encouragement!

The only specific question I noticed was from Chad, and I don´t want to write an entire post to answer his question, so I´ll just answer right here:

I didn´t happen to see the gay parade, but I heard that it was the largest gay parade in the world. I´m not really sure if that´s true, but I didn´t really notice anything out of the ordinary in Sao Paulo, other than a few people talking about it. I guess I was in a different part of the city. I´m sure it was convered on the news here, but I can never understand anything on TV because they like to do their newscasts in Portuguese.

9:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The advice you've received about being open to and truly present in every opportunity is hard to beat and that seems to come somewhat natural for you anyway. One additional avenue to think about is to get graphic footage of some of the problem areas and present it convincingly to the Bill Gates Foundation. (esp since he recently slowed down at microsoft do devote more time to the foundation and to his family)

10:30 AM

Blogger chrisTopher b. said...

That was a great idea! I'm a little curious about who's idea it was, so if you stop by the blog again, I'd love it if you'd leave your name (if you want to).

8:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok so i just figured out that blog was an action verb. i think i thought it was in the same family as the giant floats that people sit on and then someone jumps and sends them flying...ooops. Also, this is my first blog ever, so you should feel special. i hope things are going great! i don't really understand what is going on. did you get voted out of the country? are you still surviving? have you made any alliances? haha j/k. hope to talk to you soon! lata chris!
----hey guys...where's megan? haha miss ya!

9:43 PM


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