Oi Brasil! (Hi Brazil!)
I'm here! In Brazil! It's been less than 10 hours since I arrived and there's already so much I want to say. I'll start with the plane ride. Since it was my first time on a commercial flight, I didn't want to seem like too much of a newb, so I promised myself I wouldn't get too excited about seeing the clouds from above. After I was on the plane about an hour, however, the sun went below the clouds. This "sunset" from above was quite spectacular, I don't think the picture below does it very much justice. I think it was worth standing out as an obvious airplane rookie to snap the picture though.

I wasn't exactly sure who was going to pick me up at the airport, but I was expecting either Eduardo or Renata, two of my friends from Liberty. I was a little suprised when a middle aged man approaced me and said, "Chreese?" Roberto didn't speak much English, and I speak even less Portuguese. I immediately began to kick myself for not working harder to learn the language more before I left, but Roberto and I managed to communicate well enough to get me to Eduardo's house, where I'll be staying for the first week. Roberto was extremely friendly, and I hope I get to see him after I learn some more Portuguese so that I can thank him for the ride properly.
After arriving at Eduardo's house, I got to experience my first Brazilian lunch, which was quite delicious. We went to visit his old school and his church, and I got to say, "Muito prazer," (pleased to meet you) to a lot of people. Now we're over at Luis's apartment, who is another friend from Liberty.
It's hard to believe I'm in Sao Paulo. Everything here is different--the roads, the plants, the buildings. At the same time, however, everything is somewhat the same. Up is still up, and down is still down. I am still the same person I was 24 hours ago when I was in the States. Even though I'm in a completely foreign country, it's still obvious that I'm on the Earth God created. And it (it being the Earth) is very beautiful, just like it is in the Northern Hemisphere.
Nay, you're better because you've been abroad. Give Duda and Luis a big hug from me. And tell them that you're going to spy on them for me during the summer to make sure they don't screw up and me and Jason have to kick them off the leadership team. loved the update.
ps. What did you eat for lunch!?
3:18 AM
Hi my name is Addison Whittington and I am in your mom's Japan clas, and she is awsome. As you are reading this I am sure that you are wondering who in the world is this but trust me I know your mom and she knows me. I may be a stranger to you but maybe next year you will come to your mom's class and we can meet because your mom is nice and I am sure you are too. I hope that you are having a good time on your trip. Being in your mom's class has lead me to get to know her very well. I think that your mom is amazing because she has always been nice to me. Your mom has told us a lot about you today ( it is also our lasr day of Gateway camp). I hope that you are having a wonderful trip.
Yours Truley,
Addison Whittington
2:03 PM
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