This was a fairly normal week at SBT, but I did a haircut. For me this happens about 3 times a year, so it's a fairly monumental occasion.

Right after my haircut, I accidently stuck my finger in an electrical outlet.

Luckily the shock wasn't too severe, and I was able to recover fairly quickly.
Also this week, I made one of my best discoveries yet in Brazil. I found out about these little "hot drink" machines that are all over SBT. These little machines make hot drinks, mainly coffee and tea, for a small fee. And when I say small fee, I'm speaking the truth--I can get a cup of hot tea for a little less than five cents. And the tea tastes better than anyting I've ever paid three dollars for at Starbucks. I only wish I would have known about this sooner.
This reminds me of another discovery that I've been meaning to tell you about--churrascarias. A churrascaria is a special type of restaurant. It's an all-you-can-eat restaurant, but not like Ryan's or Golden Corral. Churrascarias are more formal, and they specialize in steak. You don't have to get up from the table either; the waiters are constantly walking by offering any type of steak you can imagine--even filet mignon. Churrascarias vary in price, but the first one I went to cost roughly 12 or 13 dollars after I paid for my drink. That means I ate all the filet minon I wanted for somewhere around 10 dollars.
Well, now I need to run. Sorry, I wasted almost 30 minutes typing about a haircut and food, so I didn't really give you any information that was valuable. Oh yeh...this weekend I'm going be traveling outside the city of Sao Paulo for the first time. I'm going to a beach about an hour and a half away, and I might get to try to surf. I'll let you know how it goes next time I can find a computer for 30 minutes.
Oh Bowman, your beautiful hair. I love the pitures, I hope you're continuing to have fun, and not breaking too many things! PS. I've gone on a zipline, climbed high ropes, jumped in the pond, gone on a giant (like 6 or 7 stories high) swing in a harness (scary), and ridden roller coasters. Man life is exciting!
11:17 AM
I laughed so much by myself here at work just for remembering you love stories with the tea machine!
I am so proud of you. You are doing so well around here. I believe you have a gift for languages, at least for Portuguese.
I enjoyed our weekend very much, and get ready for the ones to come. I'll show you some more of SP and places for you to shop!
God Bless you, and call me if you need anything.
PS. this little window thing that I am writing this message is all in chinese or japanese, so I hope you receive this message!
9:13 AM
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